Am găsit 30 anunțuri în Sisteme PC - Monitoare
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BEST COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY USA : Wholesales Offers Available / All Kinds Of Bitmain Antminer , Bobcat Miner 300 and Graphics Cards. 100% Sealed In Original Box With Full And Complete Accessories In The Box And Come With International Manufacturer Warranty. Order Inquires Contact Us 24Hrs Whatsapp +1 (559)460-7222 Skype Chat : E-mail : Bobcat Miner 300 Helium Hotspot EU/US Goldshell KD6 (KDA) Miner 2630W 29.2TH/s Goldshell KD...
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BEST COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY USA : Wholesales Offers Available / All Kinds Of Bitmain Antminer , Bobcat Miner 300 and Graphics Cards. 100% Sealed In Original Box With Full And Complete Accessories In The Box And Come With International Manufacturer Warranty. Order Inquires Contact Us 24Hrs Whatsapp +1 (559)460-7222 – E-mail : Bobcat Miner 300 Helium Hotspot EU/US Goldshell KD5 (KDA) Miner 2250W 18TH/s Goldshell CK5 (KDA) Miner 2400W 12TH/s Goldshell KD2 (KDA) M...
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Hot sale Bobcat Miner 300,Bitmain Antminer S19pro S19j pro 104TH In stock Best price To Purchase , For Enquiry : (wh.ATSa.saP.p.p. or call : +1 743 216 3370) Payment - Payment - BTC / Ethereum / Bitcoin Cash / USDT ETH Warranty& Return Policy - 3 Year . Shipping - FREE - SHOP TOP DEALS - Discount up 30% to 40% OFF Available in Stock : crypto currency S19J S19 Pro mining machine , 100% Genuine Asic Miners in stock , Goldshell miners, Ebang miners ,Avalon miners , Whatsminer Asic miners , Gpu Video Ca...
Bobcat 300 Hotspot Miner HNT Helium US915 UK/EU 868 is brand new with warranty and is a high-efficiency miner hotspot for HNT. It is compatible with Helium LongFi, an architecture that combines the leading wireless LoRaWAN devices. its runs on ultra-low power consumption (5W) and its signal range can cover up to 10+ miles. We have All Models Available. Europe (EU868) North America (US915) Southeast Asia (AS923) AU Region (AU915) South Korea(KR920) Contact Us .. Mr. Xiansheng Zhou Sa...
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Selling SenseCAP M1 Helium HNT Crypto Miner SenseCAP M1 is a high-performing, ready-to-use LoRaWAN indoor gateway compatible with Helium LongFi Network. SenseCAP M1 can connect to The People’s Network within a few simple steps in minutes, and helps you build LoRa applications with low costs. SenseCAP M1 provides miles of wireless network coverage and data transmission capacity for LoRa/LoRaWAN devices. SenseCAP M1 Helium HNT Crypto Miner. US915 & EU868 mhz Models Available In stock . Brand new in se...
The KD-Box Pro is specifically designed for crypto miner. No additional aids required Suitable for home, office and various enviroments Anywhere can be mining site Manufacturer:Goldshell Model: Goldshell KD-BOX Pro KADENA Miner (New Original) Hashrate:2.6Th/s+-5% Power consumption:230W+-5% Algorithm : Kadena (KDA) Size:178 x 150 x 84mm Weight:2000g Input voltage: 110v~264v Noise level:35db Interface:Ethernet/Wifi For more information and pictures, contact us on this Whatsapp...
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New Goldshell AE-BOX Pro ALEO Miner for sale $1000 Goldshell AE BOX Pro ALEO Miner 44Mh/s In stock $2,059 Discount % Buy Now : oFFER PRICE Best price : $100 New Model Goldshell AE-BOX Pro ALEO Miner Algorithm: zkSNARK Hashrate 44MH/S Power 460W Weight: 2.6kg InterfaceEthernet / Wifi +Free shipping Shipping - Express Delivery: Europe (1-3 days), US and Asia (2-5 days) ( whatsa-pppp+60132067521) (WhstaApp+852 9419 7512 Warehouse - Unit 05 ,5/F Fu Hang Industrial Building ...
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New , Full Cables , Warranty , Manuals for Setup Wholesales Offers Available / All Kinds Of Graphics Card & Antminers Available in Stock. Payment – BTC / Ethrieum Supplier : Stephen Jerry Contact us directly to place an order via : G-mail: Whatsapp Chat : +14702426367 Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Founders Edition New in stock NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Founders Edition 24GB GDDR6 Graphics Card Antminer S19 Pro Hashrate 110Th/s, Antminer S19 INNOSILICON A10 PRO...
Model KD6 from Goldshell mining Kadena algorithm with a maximumhashrate of 29.2Th/s for a power consumption of 2630W. Specification : Manufacturer : Goldshell Model : KD6 Release : April 2022 (In stock) Algorithm : Kadena (KDA) Hashrate : 29.2TH/s±5% Wall Power : 2560W±5% Noise level : ≤ 80db Interface : Ethernet For more information and pictures, contact us on this Whatsapp : +1 (506) 616-8018 E-mail :