Pensiune in Cheia I Casa de vacanta I 8 camere duble

Acest anunț este inactiv.
499.000 €


  • ID Anunț: # 132727

  • Adăugat la: 17:54, 12.09.2024

  • Anunț publicat de: Firmă

  • Locuință mobilată/utilată -

  • Suprafața utilă 655

  • An construcție 2007

  • Vizualizări: 48


Pensiune in Cheia I Casa de vacanta I 8 camere duble I facilitati multiple

Descoperiti aceasta pensiune deosebita situata in inima statiunii Cheia, ideala pentru cei catre doresc sa investeasca intr-o afacere prospera in turism. Amplasata chiar la marginea padurii intr-o zona pitoreasca, inconjurata de peisaje montane superbe, aceasta proprietate ofera o experienta autentica de relaxare si confort. Caracteristici principale: • Constructie: P+1+M • Suprafata utila: 655mp (include si cele 3 terase, dintre care una este acoperita); amprenta la sol este de 233mp, etajul 1 are 277mp iar mansarda 104mp. • Suprafata construita: 733mp • Numar de camere: 8 duble (din care 6 situate la etaj si au peste 18mp fiecare si 2 situate la mansarda, depasind 25mp fiecare, avand dotare si paturi extensibile), prevazute fiecare cu baie proprie si cu o vedere spectaculoasa. • Teren: actualmente 3930mp. In situatia in care se doreste extinderea investitiilor, mai pot fi achizitionati 2400mp. • Facilitati: zona de living foarte generoasa poate acomoda 25-30 de persoane pentru divesre activitati recreative, inclusiv spatiul de servit masa si este prevazut cu un semineu (care devine piesa de rezistenta pentru momentele idilice petrecute in sezonul alb), o bucatarie complet echipata, terase spatioase, locuri de joaca pentru copii, teren de tenis (cu fundatie din beton si acoperit cu gazon artificial), foisor si barbeque, iaz artificial populat cu pesti, inca doua constructii din lemn (fiecare avand cate 2 camere), parcare privata pentru 10 masini. Pomii si arbustii plantati in urma cu 15 ani au ajuns la maturitate si creaza un peisaj incantator. Gazonul foarte bine intretinut. • Dotari: internet wireless, TV in fiecare camera, mobilier modern si confortabil, sistem de incalzire centrala prevazut cu calorifere si centrala pe lemne Wiessman, boiler pentru furnizare apa calda, generator de curent electric. Descriere finisaje: • Constructia este perfect termoizolata, geamurile sunt din termopan cu tamplarie din PVC Potential de afaceri: Datorita locatiei sale privilegiate si facilitatilor, pensiunea are un potential ridicat de generare de venituri pe tot parcursul anului. Este ideala pentru organizarea de evenimente, retreat-uri, tabere pentru copii si teambuiding-uri pentru companii. Pensiunea a fost clasificata la 4 margarete si a functionat intre 2017-2021. Nu ratati aceasta oportunitate unica de a detine o pensiune in una dintre cele mai frumoase zone turistice din Romania. Pentru mai multe detalii si vizionari, va rugam sa ne contactati.

Guesthouse in Cheia I Unique investment opportunity I 8 rooms I multiple facilities

Discover this special guesthouse located in the heart of the Cheia resort, ideal for those who want to invest in a successful business in tourism. Located right on the edge of the forest in a picturesque area, surrounded by beautiful mountain landscapes, this property offers an authentic experience of relaxation and comfort. Main features: • Construction: P+1+M • Usable area: 655 sq m (includes the 3 terraces, one of which is covered); footprint is 233 square meters, the first floor is 277 square meters and the attic is 104 square meters. • Built area: 733 sq m • Number of rooms: 8 doubles (of which 6 are located on the first floor and have more than 18 square meters each and 2 located in the attic, exceeding 25 square meters each, with equipment and extendable beds), each provided with its own bathroom and with a spectacular view. • Land: currently 3930 square meters. In the event that it is desired to expand the investments, another 2400 square meters can be purchased. • Facilities: the very generous living area can accommodate 25-30 people for various recreational activities, including the dining area and is provided with a fireplace (which becomes the piece of resistance for the idyllic moments spent in the white season), a fully equipped kitchen , spacious terraces, playgrounds for children, tennis court (with concrete foundation and covered with artificial grass), gazebo and barbeque, artificial pond populated with fish, two more wooden buildings (each with 2 rooms), private parking for 10 cars. The trees and shrubs planted 15 years ago have reached maturity and create an enchanting landscape. The lawn is very well maintained. • Equipment: wireless internet, TV in each room, modern and comfortable furniture, central heating system provided with Wiessman radiators and wood-burning boiler, boiler for domestic hot water supply, electricity generator. Description of finishes: • The construction is perfectly thermally insulated, the windows are made of insulating glass with PVC carpentry Business potential: Due to its privileged location and facilities, the guesthouse has a high potential for generating income throughout the year. It is ideal for organizing events, retreats, camps for children and team building for companies. The guesthouse was classified as 4 daisies and operated between 2017-2021. Do not miss this unique opportunity to own a guesthouse in one of the most beautiful tourist areas in Romania. For more details and viewings, please contact us.

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