Handheld EtCO2 monitor Detecting gas: EtCO2, FiCO2, RR,EtN2O, FiN2O,


  • ID Anunț: # 123796

  • Adăugat la: 16:38, 11.03.2025

  • Anunț publicat de: Firmă

  • Vizualizări: 168


Monitoring SpO2, pulse rate, ETCO2 and respiratory rate;
Update 255-hour historical data replay on PC through USB
Software Function
Professional Data Analysis Software for CO2 Monitoring
Connecting the palm monitor to PC through USB
Storing Unlimited patient’s data
Displaying ETCO2,SPO2 Trends Table
Controlling PC printer, outputting trend graph, trend table report
Recording and storage object’s respiration details in clinical

 Handheld EtCO2 monitor Detecting gas: EtCO2, FiCO2, RR,EtN2O, FiN2O, -1  Handheld EtCO2 monitor Detecting gas: EtCO2, FiCO2, RR,EtN2O, FiN2O, -2  Handheld EtCO2 monitor Detecting gas: EtCO2, FiCO2, RR,EtN2O, FiN2O, -3  Handheld EtCO2 monitor Detecting gas: EtCO2, FiCO2, RR,EtN2O, FiN2O, -4

Meditech Group

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