DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced Drone

3.100 €


  • ID Anunț: # 110323

  • Adăugat la: 12:37, 12.03.2025

  • Anunț publicat de: Firmă

  • Stare: Nou

  • Vizualizări: 209


Utilizing the practical benefits of drone technology, the versatile DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced Drone is equipped with technology to help first responders enforce the law, find and rescue victims, or fight fires. It can also inspect power equipment, structures, and even the environment, in minutes compared to hours or days. The Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced can do all of this thanks to its compact size, long-lasting battery, ability to fly missions quickly, high-tech dual thermal and visual cameras, and a host of other features.

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DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced Drone-1 DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced Drone-2

3.100 €

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