BROMPTON Electric H6L Folding Bike

2.492 lei


  • ID Anunț: # 78232

  • Adăugat la: 07:08, 12.03.2025

  • Anunț publicat de: Firmă

  • Stare: Nou

  • Vizualizări: 302


Fold up and store your electric bike safely inside. Unclip the battery and charge at home, the office or on the go. Designed by world class engineers to fit all the technology and power needed into a small, lightweight and portable package. An electric folding bike you can take anywhere with you. Fold up and jump on the train. Unfold and make your next meeting. Use your Brompton Electric bicycle to hack the city’s transport network and make it work for you. Feel unstoppable in the city with the Brompton Electric bike. Fly up hills. Feel like every ride has a tailwind. See more. Do more. And arrive fresh, and on time, every time.

The Brompton H6L Electric Folding Bike uses Brompton's H type handlebar and 6 gears. The H Type handlebar offers the classic shape at an elevated height. It provides a neutral position for taller riders or an upright position average height rider. With the practicality of 6 gears at your beck and call, any rider can travel greater distances on their commute or weekend adventure without the worry of running out of gears. Brompton's are as simple and user friendly as they come, using their patented folding mechanism, no folding bike can fold as fast and as compact as a Brompton can. The M6L comes equipped with Brompton mudguards, giving you the opportunity to ride to work in most conditions without having to worry about a change of clothes.

This version of the Brompton H6L Electric Bike comes complete with the stan

2.492 lei

Andy Lan

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